CrossTalk Global began its first cohort of 17 pastors in Oradea, Romania in November of 2013. The response from these 17 pastors has been enthusiastic and many requests have been made for CrossTalk to expand its training across Romania and Eastern Europe. These Romanian pastors love God and God’s people, but they have not had the training they need to adequately feed God’s flock.
While CrossTalk Global has the expertise and personnel required to meet these needs, your financial assistance is needed to expand into the areas that God is opening. Under God’s providence and with your help, CrossTalk can continue to equip biblical communicators in Romania and other parts of Eastern Europe
Here are some excerpts from our instructors that are encouraging and inspiring!
It has been exciting to see the growth in our students. Some of our graduates have been identified, as mentors and will be helping with the next cohort. The Romanian people are so hospitable and kind and it’s incredible to see the difference Cross Talk Global is making in our students lives and the local churches they lead.
Read more…CH (MAJ) Brandon Moore Homiletics SME, USACHCS, CrossTalk Instructor / Mentor
Right after the New Year Eve, on January 3rd students gathered in order to study how to effectively preach the epistles of the New Testament. Most of them said that the course helped to discover why their preaching had so little impact. Also, they mentioned that understanding the Big Idea of a passage and communicating with a clear structure were really useful.
Read more…Stefi Carlescu, CrossTalk Instructor / Mentor